CeliaCruz / News

The Celia Cruz Wig NFT Auction. Sponsored by Hairclub.

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month and as part of the award-winning ‘El Poder del Cabello’ campaign, HairClub and the Celia Cruz Foundation are teaming up to pay tribute to “La Reina de la Salsa” (The Queen of Salsa) Celia Cruz. HairClub President and CEO Mike Nassar announced the commissioned of a commemorative certified replica paired with an NFT design of Cruz’s wig to be auctioned during the week of her birthday, which falls on October 21.

Through the Celia Cruz Foundation, HairClub donations will total $40,000 towards music and cultural programs. Beneficiaries include Florida State University, the Celia Cruz School of Music in the Bronx, New York, and in Puerto Rico to the St. Clair Foundation who proudly supports music healing projects for the youth in the island.

This NFT will nurture Celia Cruz’s legacy through one of her most memorable accessories, her wigs. Its development will be carried out by Archetype-IO, a company dedicated to new technologies within the metaverse. During Hispanic Heritage Month, the virtual image will be available from September 1st to November 1st at an auction, which is open to everyone, with funds going to develop music, art, and communication in Hispanic communities.”

Celia Cruz is a singer that will forever be remembered for her enormous on-stage presence. Her unique voice and extravagant style remained until the end of her days, but one of the Cuban singer’s most outstanding features were her colorful wigs. Hair can makes you feel joyful, secure and empowered, and no one knew this more than the very famous Latina Celia Cruz. After Celia’s melodic voice faded when she passed in 2003, her extravagant costumes were donated to the Smithsonian Museum and to other institutions including the Celia Cruz Legacy Project Archive and Research Center (all in the United States), where the Cuban’s legacy is treasured.

The winner of the auction will receive:

– A ledger Hardware wallet with 2 NFTs.
– Real World and Authenticated Replica of the iconic “La Negra Tiene Tumbao” Celia Cruz Wig.
– 3D Replica and authenticated Celia Cruz Wig NFT, minted on the blockchain and stored on ledger wallet.
– Copy of the certificate of Authenticity of the real world replica Celia Cruz Wig, minted as an NFT and stored on the ledger wallet.



About HairClub

HairClub is the leading hair restoration, regrowth and replacement in the United States and Canada. For nearly 45 years HairClub has provided hair loss solutions including non-surgical and surgical hair replacement, in-center and at home therapies. The company helps members of all ages and stages of hair loss including women and children. Hair Club provides free hair restoration services to children with medical conditions that cause hair loss.


About the Celia Cruz Foundation

The Celia Cruz Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose main commitment is to preserve, proliferate and promote the legacy of the late Cuban singer and “Queen of Salsa” Celia Cruz, and help students in music education. It was always her mission to open doors for Hispanic students who wished to pursue musical studies, but due to financial constraints, were not able to do so. Now, as part of her amazing musical legacy, The Celia Cruz Foundation has set its mission to raise funds for underprivileged Hispanic students whose dreams are to study music.


About NFTs

An NFT is a non-fungible token with financial security consisting of digital data stored in a blockchain, a form of distributable ledger. The ownership of an NFT is recorded inside the blockchain, and can be transferred by the owner, allowing for sales and trades. An NFT is a digital asset that represents real-world objects like art, music, in-game items and videos among others.

Celia Cruz Legacy Project Instagram
Celia Cruz Store